Think tanks in Central Asia: current state of affairs and prospects

Over the past 30 years, the field of applied analytics and policy research in Central Asia has gone through a challenging path of transformation. Primary trajectory of changes was associated with an attempt to adapt existing institutions and their personnel to the market conditions. This not only implied a transition to new organizational and legal forms of functioning, but also a radical revision of their activities. In particular, it has become important for policy research organization to produce expertise and recommendations, to be present in the public sphere, and to communicate effectively with diverse target audiences.

Today there is a very competitive market for policy research services in the region. The field includes many local and transnational companies providing a wide range of services. At the same time, it is striking that companies specializing in marketing research and business consulting have made significant progress in their development. There is high competition between these players, which encourages them to be flexible and open to change.

A different situation has developed in the field of research and analytics for purposes of public policy. This market segment still remains to a greater extent part of the government apparatus rather than an independent industry. It is very typical that in all countries of Central Asia, excepting Kyrgyzstan to some extent, organizations created under various departments act as providers of recommendations for the state. This situation largely reflects the specificity of political regimes where competition is closed and the decision-making system remains opaque.

However, the situation is gradually changing. In the region, along with government-run think tanks there are also entities that are not state-affiliated. The latter often offer an independent view of the social and political situation, which is important for validating management decisions and reducing the risks of biases when developing policies. In Kazakhstan, for example, in recent years they have contributed to increasing the accountability and transparency of government bodies. Independent public experts and expert organizations participate in advocacy campaigns on pressing social issues and provide stakeholders with high-quality analytical materials on problems in the field of public administration, education and healthcare. Research results inform an alternative development agenda, and open expert discussions revitalize the public sphere. Non-state-affiliated think tanks of the region, unlike state-supported institutions, operate within the context of market competition.

The field of political and management research is undergoing interesting transformations under the influence of global and local processes. This study is aimed at recording the current state of this area and outlining possible vectors for its further evolution.

The study was conducted as part of the Central Asian Think Tanks Forum 2022 — a regional event aimed at discussing current problems facing think tanks in the countries of Central Asia.
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